
Omar Technology s.r.l.

All the equipment have been tested at Specialized Technical Centres of the Italian Armed Forces. Our Company is included in the NATO manufacturers’ list under the no. A4883.


Officine Stefanuto s.r.l.

Officine Stefanuto has been manufacturing systems dedicated to the resolution of problems specifically connected with the military and social/humanitarian fields for many years now. To this end, it cooperates with important organisations and associations such as the Red Cross and the Civil Defence, which operate in extraordinary conditions and require solutions that are both functional and comfortable.
Officine Stefanuto produces complete field systems, small-and medium-sized equipment for hygienic appliances and specialized, fully equipped shelters. The company also supplies the fittings which are required in order to conclude the operation. This is the reason why it is the only company in Italy that is capable of guaranteeing the realization of perfectly tailor-made products, such as the variable-geometry modules.


C-Astral Aerospace Ltd.

The company is built around the fields of expertise and practical experience in aerospace, unmanned systems, electronics and sensor development, aerial based surveying and processing, remote sensing, telecommunications, renewable energy systems and extreme environment autonomous habitats and communications.
